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Will My Clients Keep My Promotional Products

Will My Clients Keep My Promotional Products?

by On Point Promotions | November 4, 2020
It’s no secret that promotional products are everywhere, after all we’ve all received freebies from one time to another. What you may not realize is that it is a multi-billion-dollar industry – for a good reason! Whether you have a couple free t-shirts in your closet or a hoard of pens you’ve gathered through the years, chances are you haven’t stopped to think about how effective these logoed items can be – but YOU SHOULD!

Consider these stats:

PROmotion Marketing LLC completed a survey and found

  • 82% of people have a favorable impression of a brand after receiving a promotional product
  • Nearly 100% of consumers are willing to go out of their way to get a promotional product
  • 48% of consumers would like to receive more promotional products

Those numbers show us that consumers enjoy promotional products, but more important to your company is that the research also found that 72% of consumers believe that the quality of the promotional items is directly related to the reputation of the company represented.

In addition, 89% of customers can recall the brand on a promotional item they received in the past 2 years and 80% can recall the actual messaging.

The goal of promotional products is to have your company remembered

Promo products work hard for you. Taking recall to the next level, here’s the best news:

  • 85% of people who received a promotional product did business with that company Promotional products draw 500% more referrals than just a review.

What promotional products are the best marketers?

 Of course, not all promotional products are made equal.
1. Wearables are the most popular product category. Brand recall is highest for apparel items with 85% of consumers remembering the company. 47% of consumers keep a promotional t-shirt for 2 years or more. 15% of people in the Midwest own an article of promotional outwear such as this Whistler Light Down Vest. 63% of consumers will keep a promotional hat because it is attractive.
2. On the heels of wearables are writing instruments. 20% of consumers own more than 10 promotional writing instruments like these fun Thumbs Up MopTopper Pens.
3. Then come bags and totes. Bags generate the most impressions of any other product with nearly 6,000 over the time the bag is used. This Happy De Stijl Polyester Tote Bag makes a statement!
 It’s no wonder, then, that bags and writing instruments tie for the lowest cost per impression, 1/10 of a cent.

4. No. 4 most effective giveaways are calendars. A promotional calendar will generate around 850 impressions over its lifetime. This weekly organizer clear view calendar will keep your clients on target and keep your company at the top of every week.

5. Rounding out the top five promotional products is drinkware. 91% of people have a promotional product in their kitchen and 90% report owning branded drinkware. 57% people were able to recall the company on a promotional mug over only 28% who were able to recall the advertiser on TV. Dual promotion with added MULTIfunction with something like this 16oz dul auto/USB heater mug.

Why are promotional products so effective and desirable?

The research shared that 60% of consumers keep a promotional product for two years. You want your company’s promotional items to be in the 60% that are kept! In 2017 Promotional Products Association International surveyed over 1,000 individuals and came out with the top 5 reasons consumers choose to keep a promotional item.

#5 Symbolism

17% of people will keep an item that has meaning for them. If the item represents a cause that they align with.

#4 Loyalty

22% of people keep a promotional item if it from a brand that they support. If consumers like a company’s products or services, or if they have had great experiences with the company, they like to talk about it and refer the company to others. If they have promotional items, this generates that many more of these positive conversations!

#3 Experience
28% of people keep their promotional products because the have a valuable memory attached to the item. Consumers participating in community events, professional conventions, or festivals have a great experience and they want to remember it. The promotional items they receive act as their reminder of the positive experience they had at the event.

#2 Design

43% of people keep promotional items that fit their style or personality. Items must keep up with the times in color, texture, patterns, and construction. Promotional items that are stylish and trendy will attract more people to your brand.

#1 Functionality

Functionality is the #1 reason people will hang on to a promotional item. 85% of people own a promotional item because it is functional. People want to hang on to items that serve a purpose, or even better, multiple purposes. If the item meets a need that a consumer will use every day the consumer will want to keep it handy.

Take the next step

Your company can use these reasons to create promotional items that will make connections and resonate with your existing clients, with your employees, and with potential clients. Quality promotional products help your brand to stand out from the competition. These products carried around by those who already value your company, will draw the attention of those who don’t know your company yet, and will give your fans a way to pass on their appreciation of your company.

There you have it. A marketing strategy that works – with data to support the conclusion.

Let On Point Promotions & Embroidery help you find the promotional items that are best for your company! Call us today and we can supply your company with every possible promotional product from over 3000 suppliers and help you create long-lasting relationships with your clients through the power of promotional products.

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