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Using Promotional Products in Marketing Your Startup

Using Promotional Products in Marketing Your Startup

By On Point Promotions & Embroidery | May 25, 2020
Most burgeoning companies want to invest in marketing materials right away to get their business off the ground. Using promotional products in marketing your startup is the best way to invest your advertising budget.

 Promotional products are a traditional form of marketing, where a tangible item is gifted to potential customers. These products are useful and memorable because they have your logo. Digital marketing isn't nearly as effective or affordable when it comes to unique and branded advertising.  

Fitting Your Budget

Promotional products are a form of durable advertising that gives value to your customers. You may be surprised to know that marketing with promotional products is a far more cost-effective way to get your name out there to potential customers. Digital advertising is expensive, and it doesn't guarantee that your message will be seen by the right audience.

   However, promotional products like notepads, pens, or other similar items are very attractive to customers. You can order promotional items in large quantities at a reasonable price. This kind of promotional marketing shows that you care about your clients, and it also ensures your brand is memorable to them.

Use Traditional Promotional Products in Marketing Your Startup

Because of the affordability of promotional products like car magnets and signs, marketing your startup has never been easier or more budget-friendly. Traditional print media remains an essential tool in successful marketing strategies, and it allows you to scale up your impact based on your budget. A beautiful design on a promotional product expresses your brand, attracts attention, and arouses interest in potential customers.

According to the Advertising Specialty Institute (ASI), a 2016 study proves that promotional products are still useful today. Despite the allure of digital marketing strategies, 85% of those who were surveyed remembered the name of a company that gave them a promotional item. Moreover, ASI found that consumers were two and half times more likely to have a positive impression of a brand or company that gave them a promotional product.

The appeal of digital marketing isn't going away, so use promotional products in marketing your startup to stand apart from everyone else. Would you rather receive a digital pop-up advertisement on your computer screen, or would you prefer to have something useful like an umbrella or tote bag? This is precisely how your customers feel, as well.

Call On Point Promotions at 317-762-4309 today to discuss your marketing needs. We've got everything from drinkware to apparel. Let us know how we can help promote your brand.

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